Beneath the waves of the Indo-Pacific, giant clams (Tridacnae) are the lesser known architects of...
Why giant clams are crucial in maintaining healthy reefs - and regulating climate
Beneath the waves of the Indo-Pacific, giant clams (Tridacnae) are the lesser known architects of reef ecosystems. These impressive mollusks, with the largest among them (Tridanca gigas) capable of...
Why giant clams are crucial in maintaining healthy reefs - and regulating climate
Giant clams in Nha Trang Bay: A look into the IMARCS Foundation's research on reef restoration
Posts by Jordan:
3 min read.
Giant clams in Nha Trang Bay: A look into the IMARCS Foundation's research on reef restoration
Working with researchers from the University of Barcelona and Nha Trang University, the IMARCS...
Giant clams, specifically the species within the genus Tridacna, are considered among the most...
Giant clams, belonging to the family Tridacnidae, are among the most fascinating and iconic...
The vibrant reefs that color the shallow, tropical coasts are not just breathtaking to...
The concept of using clams as a carbon sink in aquaculture or mariculture has gained...
Abstract Giant clams play multifaceted roles within coral reef ecosystems, serving as providers...
Where should giant clam re-introduction take place Understanding Habitat Suitability:
What exactly are giant clams? Giant clams are one of the most magnificent species in all the...
At IMARCS there is a focus on carbon sequestration; after all, it is what the last two letters in...
Blue carbon has a significant effect on our daily lives - and the entire planet - as it is the...
When we launched IMARCS, we envisioned utilizing the power of mariculture – a subset of...
Carbon dioxide is a naturally-occuring "greenhouse gas" in the atmosphere, so-called for its...
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